Baby Got Back!

Oh America, what are we doing? Moreover, what have we become? The whole world is WATCHING US, and for the most part, puzzled as hell by our erratic discourse. Is this what we wanted? Until recently, we were likely known throughout the world for having the most fake lips, boobs, butts and of course our real nuclear bombs. But oh my God, now and possibly forever, we’ll be known for electing a FAKE President. A man who suffers from Dementia at best or straight-up lunacy at worse. Does it get any crazier than this? Maybe so, remember The Shining, starring Jack Nicholson and his favorite line? Now imagine Donald Trump in the White House sleep deprived. Bad ratings have unhinged him. So he aimlessly roams around that big house late at night or early in the morning. He’s so alone in that big place. A looming storm agitates him even more. The flashing lightning was awful but the roaring thunder really did him in, especially that last thunderous burst. Frightened, with the nuclear codes written on a crumbled piece of paper he firmly held in his shaking hands; impulsively, he does the unthinkable. A perfect storm for a lunatic to destroy the world. And then, in a Schizophrenic episode he screams out, “Wendy, I’m home!” Just before pushing that button… “Oh shit, somebody stop him. DONALD…, get a grip. Your wife’s name is Melania. It’s your freaking Dementia remember?” BOOM…, too late, he’s blown up the freaking world!

Coming soon….

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